Cascading Bouquets


This bouquet was first seen in the early 1900’s and really grew in popularity in the 20’s and 30’s. After taking a break the cascade bouquet (also known as the shower bouquet) came back with a bang in the 80s with Princess Diana carrying one of the most iconic cascading bouquets.

After disappearing again for a few decades, cascading bouquets are back and we love it. This year we have seen a variety of cascading bouquets. From the traditional all white flowers with a mix of greenery trailing down to the ground, to a more whimsical teardrop look with colorful blooms and a small cascade of loose  greenery. A cascading bouquet come in all shapes and sizes. If you are interested in a cascade bouquet for your wedding, we recommend talking with your florist and picking out a style that works best for your figure and dress.